Official Responses

Rejection Letter from the Dungkar Gonpa Society
Formal letter from the DGS Board and Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche rejecting Tara’s claim to be Domo Geshe Rinpoche.

Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama officially recognized a different individual in 2006, despite the numerous letters Tara and her students sent to him prior to this. You can contact his office at

Rigdzin Community of Namkha Rinpoche
Tara and White Conch claim she is recognized by Namkha Rinpoche. He states that he has never recognized her and does not recognize her now. To confirm this for yourself, contact

Recognized Domo Geshe Rinpoche incarnations

Dungkar Gonpa Society
Includes the official biographies of the previous Domo Geshe Rinpoches
Current incarnation Domo Chocktrul Rinpoche Losang Jigme Ngakgi Wangchuk
Recognized by Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche

Sera Jey Drati Domo Ladang
Current incarnation Dromo Geshe Rinpoche Tenzin Jigmey Lhundup
Recognized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tara’s Story

White Conch Biography
We link to the 2003 archived version because unlike her current bio page, the original gives all the ridiculous details of her transference claim.

Newspaper coverage going back to 1979

Domo Geshe Rinpoche to Bless Period Garden Park on Mansion Hill
Isthmus – June 2009

What, Me Worry? Chants Are I Will
Milwaukee Journal Sentinal –  October 2006

Ngawang ChodonAs Ani Ngawang Chodön:

Unsquishing Jewel Heart
Ann Arbor Observer – December 1999

Buddhist Nun Practices Tough Compassion
The Dunn County News –  June 1998

Spiritual Journey Takes Buddhist Nun Around the World
Saint Paul Pioneer Press –  November 1996

A House Undivided
Star Tribune –  October 1995

Tara Quinn

As Tara Quinn:

Artist’s Work Has Character
The Minneapolis Star –  November 1979

Forums exploring Tara’s claim

Lama or Llama? and Scamming Rinpoche?
Beliefnet – with entries from 2003-2006
Tara responds directly to her critics in these threads (username rinpoche1000). And shows her true colors.

Norbu House & Domo Geshe Rinpoche
DharmaWheel – with entries from 2011-2015

Organizations associated with Tara

White Conch Dharma Center

Lotus Lake Buddhist Center, including Norbu House

Joyful Path Healing Center

Grand Transitions Institute and Hospice

Dungkar Dharma Zentrum